Language courses for secondary school students in Bonn and Bad Godesberg
Individual and group lessons in English, French, Spanish and German as a foreign language (DaF)
Our intensive language courses for secondary school students in grades 5 to 12 at grammar schools (Gymnasium), Middle School (Realschule – up to grade 10) and comprehensive schools (Gesamtschulen – up to grade 13) cater for students who have learning difficulties or simply want to improve their written and oral language skills and grades. We offer targeted support and intensive tutoring in group and individual lessons. We also help prepare for class tests.
During the school vacations of North Rhine-Westphalia, we offer intensive courses to deepen and repeat the learning content of the respective grade. The vacation courses can be booked by the week.

Our language courses for students in Bonn
Englisch Grade 5
The goal of the course for 5th grade is the individual training of communicative and methodological competencies in all 4 skill areas (listening, reading, speaking and writing), the promotion of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
What has been learned is consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Grade 5
Englisch grade 7
The programme for grade 7 focuses on the individual training of communicative and methodological skills in all 4 skill areas (listening, reading, speaking and writing), the promotion of independent, self-directed learning, and the development of a sense of responsibility.
learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch grade 7
Englisch Klasse (Q2)
Grade 12 programme
Preparation for the centralised Abitur NRW 2025
- Acquisition of confidence and sensitivity in dealing with linguistic and cultural diversity - intercultural ability to act
- Critical use of the wide range of media available
- Further development of communicative skills and abilities using the example of argumentation
- Differentiated analysis of non-fiction texts (newspapers) and literary texts (novel excerpts)
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse (Q2)
Englisch Klasse 5
Ziel des Kurses für die 5. Klasse ist die individuelle Schulung kommunikativer und methodischer Kompetenzen in allen 4 Fertigkeitsbereichen (Hörverständnis, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben), die Förderung eigenverantwortlichen, selbstgesteuerten Lernens und der Erwerb kooperativer Arbeitsformen in kleinen Gruppen.
Gekonntes wird gefestigt und Lücken geschlossen.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse 5
Englisch Klasse 7
Ziel des Kurses für die Klasse 7 ist die individuelle Schulung kommunikativer und methodischerKompetenzen in allen 4 Fertigkeitsbereichen (Hörverständnis, Lesen, Sprechen undSchreiben), die Förderung eigenverantwortlichen, selbstgesteuerten
Lernens und der Erwerbkooperativer Arbeitsformen in kleinen Gruppen.
Gekonntes wird gefestigt und Lücken geschlossen.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse 7
Englisch Klasse 8
Ziel des Kurses für die Klasse 8 ist die individuelle Förderung kommunikativer und methodischer Kompetenzen in den 4 Fertigkeitsbereichen (Hörverständnis, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben), die Entwicklung eigenverantwortlichen, selbstgesteuerten Lernens und der Erwerb kooperativer Arbeitsformen in kleinen Gruppen.
Gekonntes wird gefestigt und Lücken geschlossen.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse 8
Englisch Klasse 8
Ziel des Kurses für die Klasse 8 ist die individuelle Schulung kommunikativer und methodischer Kompetenzen in allen 4 Fertigkeitsbereichen (Hörverständnis, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben), die Förderung eigenverantwortlichen, selbstgesteuerten Lernens und der Erwerb kooperativer Arbeitsformen in kleinen Gruppen.
Gekonntes wird gefestigt und Lücken geschlossen.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse 8
Englisch Klasse EF
Ziel des Kurses für die EF (einjährige Einführungsphase) ist die individuelle Förderung kommunikativer und methodischer Kompetenzen in den 4 Fertigkeitsbereichen (Hörverständnis, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben), die Entwicklung eigenverantwortlichen, selbstgesteuerten Lernens und der Erwerb kooperativer Arbeitsformen in kleinen Gruppen.
Gekonntes wird gefestigt und Lücken geschlossen.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse EF
Englisch Klasse EF
Ziel des Kurses für die EF (einjährige Einführungsphase) ist die individuelle Förderung kommunikativer und methodischer Kompetenzen in den 4 Fertigkeitsbereichen (Hörverständnis, Lesen, Sprechen und Schreiben), die Entwicklung eigenverantwortlichen, selbstgesteuerten Lernens und der Erwerb kooperativer Arbeitsformen in kleinen Gruppen.
Gekonntes wird gefestigt und Lücken geschlossen.
Anmeldung für:
Englisch Klasse EF
English grade 10
The aim of the course is the individual promotion of communicative and methodical skills in the 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the development of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.The aim of the course is the individual promotion of communicative and methodical skills in the 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the development of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English grade 10
English grade 11 (Q1)
Upper School Programme
Preparation for the Central Abitur NRW
• Acquisition of confidence in encounters and sensitivity in dealing with linguistic and cultural diversity-intercultural capacity to act
• Critical use of the wide range of media
• Further development of communicative skills and abilities using the example of argumentation
• Differentiated analysis of non-fiction texts (newspaper) and literary texts (novel excerpts)
Anmeldung für:
English grade 11 (Q1)
English Grade 12 (Q2)
Abitur preparation in English for GK and LK
- Acquisition and consolidation of text analysis techniques (comprehension, language analysis, comment, letter to the editor)
- Promotion of text comprehension
- Consolidation of interpretation vocabulary
- Consolidation of background knowledge of topics relevant to the Abitur
- Consolidation of mediation/text mediation
- Critical use of the wide range of media available (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook)
- Further development of communicative skills and abilities using the example of argumentation
- Differentiated analysis of non-fiction texts (newspaper, speech) and literary texts (novel excerpts)
Anmeldung für:
English Grade 12 (Q2)
English grade 6
Trial level
The aim of the course for year 6 is the individual training of communicative and methodical skills in all 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the promotion of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English grade 6
English grade 6
The aim of the course for grade 6 is the individual training of communicative and methodological skills in all 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the promotion of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English grade 6
English grade 7
The aim of the course for grade 7 is the individual training of communicative and methodological skills in all 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the promotion of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
learning and the acquisition of co-operative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English grade 7
English Grade 9
The aim of the course is the individual promotion of communicative and methodical skills in the 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the development of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.The aim of the course is the individual promotion of communicative and methodical skills in the 4 skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the development of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English Grade 9
English Grade 9
The aim of the course for grade 9 is the individual promotion of communicative and methodological skills in the four skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the development of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English Grade 9
English Grade 9
The aim of the course for grade 9 is the individual promotion of communicative and methodological skills in the four skill areas (listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing), the development of independent, self-directed learning and the acquisition of cooperative forms of work in small groups.
Skills are consolidated and gaps are closed.
Anmeldung für:
English Grade 9
French 3rd year of learning (9th grade)
The mission and goal of our French lessons is to develop and foster the students' ability and enjoyment of oral and written communication in French in a dialogue, activity and student-oriented manner.
Anmeldung für:
French 3rd year of learning (9th grade)
French 3rd year of learning (9th grade)
The mission and goal of our French lessons is to develop and foster the students' ability and enjoyment of oral and written communication in French in a dialogue, activity and student-oriented manner.
Anmeldung für:
French 3rd year of learning (9th grade)
Italienisch Klasse Eph (11) 1. Lernjahr
Der Italienischunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe fokussiert auf den systematischen Aufbau interkultureller kommunikativer Kompetenz. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler
werden durch die Vertiefung und Erweiterung ihrer Kompetenzen in unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen insbesondere auf die Anforderungen vorbereitet, die eine zunehmend
international ausgerichtete Hochschulausbildung und eine globalisierte international ausgerichtete Hochschulausbildung und eine globalisierte Lebens- und Arbeitswelt an sie richten.
• Erwerb von Begegnungssicherheit und Sensibilität im Umgang mit sprachlicher und kultureller Vielfalt-interkulturelle Handlungsfähigkeit
• kritische Nutzung des breiten Medienangebots
• Weiterentwicklung kommunikativer Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten am Beispiel der Argumentation
• Differenzierte Analyse von Sachtexten (Zeitung) und literarischen Texten (Romanauszüge)
Anmeldung für:
Italienisch Klasse Eph (11) 1. Lernjahr
We serve students holistically on the path to graduation!
Our language courses for students in Bonn are specially designed for learning during school hours. The student language courses can have different goals. Tutoring supports students on their way through school time and our language teachers can cover relevant topics and provide targeted tutoring. For intermediate stages such as exam preparation or A-level preparation, we provide comprehensive knowledge and tips, but tutoring for students is also part of our area of expertise.
Our language lessons for students convince through easy learning and high learning success. Already after the first lessons there is usually an improvement. The most frequently taken language courses for students revolve around tutoring German, tutoring English, French tutoring or Spanish tutoring.